This Bobber Dowsing Rod, or “simple” bobber, is simply designed with a wood handle and ball head on a flexible lead.
34 cm / 26 gm – (12.2″ / 0.81 oz)
The Bobber Rod, often called a “simple” bobber, is a basic, entry-level dowsing rod.
Bobbers come in many sizes but function basically the same way: the dowser holds a handle with a flexible lead inserted with an attached counter-weight attached to the other end, which allows the Bobber to swing or bob on both the horizontal and vertical axis.
This bobber comes with a comfortable wood handle with a matching round wooden ball attached to a flexible lead.
Set your intention: Clearly state or visualize what you are trying to locate. For example, if you’re looking for water, focus your mind on finding a water source.
Begin the search: Start walking slowly and attentively while holding the dowsing rod in front of you. Some dowsers prefer to hold the rods parallel to the ground, while others prefer to point them upwards.
Observe the movement: As you walk, pay close attention to the movement of the dowsing rod. In some cases, the rod may start to rotate, cross over each other, or point downwards when it detects the sought-after object. However, keep in mind that dowsing results can vary between individuals.
Practice and refine: Dowsing is a skill that can be improved with practice. Experiment with different techniques, such as changing the grip, adjusting your walking speed, or trying different dowsing rods, to see what works best for you.
34 cm / 26 gm – (12.2″ / 0.81 oz)
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