UFO Beech Wood Pendulum


The UFO Beech Wood pendulum is a good indoor, outdoor pendulum. It’s almost twice the size of the brass UFO pendulum but at less than half its weight.


UFO Beech Wood Pendulum

The UFO Beech wood pendulum shares a similar aerodynamic shape similar to UFOs. Hence the name.

UFO Beech Wood Pendulum

The UFO Beech Wood pendulum is a good diagnostic tool suitable for healing. Use the pendulum to accurately pinpoint areas on the body for diagnostic feedback and information.

This dowsing pendulum is also good for:

  • Map work and discovery
  • Chart reading
  • Energy work
  • Healing work
  • Dowsing outdoors

The UFO Beech wood pendulum is steady in outdoor conditions.

Instructions for Map Dowsing

Below are simplified instructions on Map Dowsing. For a more complete set of instructions, see Diane Marcotte’s article How to Map Dowse. She’s a former board member of the Canadian Society of Dowsers.

  • Only map dowse when you’re relaxed and in a clear state of mind.
  • Have a one or two pendulums handy. Sometimes one pendulum works better than the other.
  • Test your dowsing program to ensure your YES, No and Maybe responses are accurate.
  • Have a copy of the map you intend to dowse in front of you.

The Mechanics:

There are three common ways to map dowse. I’m only sharing one technique.

When using the UFO Beech Wood pendulum, swing it in your READY position to overcome inertia.

Reductionist Method (pencil and pendulum required)
In this method, you eliminate quadrants of the map

  • Divide your map in quarters using a pencil. Gently swing your pendulum in your READY position.
  • Ask โ€“ Is ____ in quadrant โ€œ1โ€? If you get a NO response, continue quadrant by quadrant until you receive a YES response. Note: In this example, the searched for object is in quadrant โ€œ2โ€.
  • Now divide the identified quadrant (quadrant โ€œ2โ€ in our example) into quarters with your pencil.
  • Ask โ€“ Is ____ in quadrant โ€œaโ€? Continue, as above, until you receive a YES answer. Note: In this example, the searched for object is in quadrant โ€œdโ€.
  • Now divide the identified quadrant (quadrant โ€œdโ€ in our example) into quarters with your pencil.
  • Continue in this manner of reducing the mapโ€™s surface until you can go no further. You will then have located the searched for object.

Diane is a dowser from Oakville, Ontario and is a former Board Member of the Canadian Society of Dowsers.

ยฉย Copyright 2002, Diane Marcotte. Feel free to print out these instructions for your personal use.

UFO Brass and Beech Wood Pendulum

The UFO Beech Wood dowsing pendulum is a wood alternative to the Brass UFO pendulum at almost twice the size, but at half the weight.

UFO Beech Wood pendulum: 4.5 cm / 8.0 gm – (1.77″ / 0.28 oz)


See all Wood pendulums.



The UFO pendulum compared to an actual UFO
UFO design comparison to an UFO.