The Egyptian Karnak Mahogany Wood Pendulum is a copy of the original sandstone pendulum found in Karnak, the Valley of the Kings.
Discovered in a sarcophagus in Karnak Egypt, the Karnak Mahogany Wood pendulum is a replica of the original sandstone pendulum.
The “Valley of the Kings” is another name for Karnak.
The Karnak pendulum was a part of the mason’s toolkit to erect temples.
The Karnak Temple is estimated to date back from somewhere between 2055 BC to 100 AD.
The temple of Karnak is one of the largest religious buildings ever constructed.
2000 years later, the Temple at Karnak remains one of the Wonders of the World.
The temple covers approximately 200 acres and is a place of pilgrimage, drawing people from around the world.
The ancient Egyptians believe the earth becomes exhausted at the end of the agricultural season, and the land needs new energy from the cosmos to replenish the soil for the next cycle.
Karnak and Luxor hold an annual magical ritual festival, lasting 27 days.
The energetic signature or form of the Karnak Mahogany wood pendulum is based on the Ankh, a powerful Egyptian symbol.
The Ankh imparts a high vibrational signature and increases the pendulum’s receptivity and accuracy. Using mental intent and focus, the power of the pendulum increases.
The Karnak pendulum is an all-purpose pendulum, suitable for all dowsing scenarios. Example tasks are mental sending and receiving, healing, discovery, and divining.
The Karnak Mahogany pendulum is slightly longer than the large Karnak brass pendulum and is substantially lighter. This means that the Karnak Egyptian Mahogany Wood Pendulum is quick to take action and highly responsive.
The Karnak wood pendulums is a neutral pendulum resistant to other ambient “fields” that influence the action of metal or crystal pendulums.
Size & Weight: 8.0 cm / 6.0 gm – (3.15″ / 0.25 oz)
There is a brass version of the Karnak pendulum available.
To view the Karnak Brass Pendulum, click the link.
To view the Karnak Beech Wood Pendulum, click the link.
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