L-Rod Dowsing Rod


L-Rods make a worthy addition to any Dowser’s collection.

The Spanish Resonator L-rod is 36 cm (14.17″) long and nicely balanced with an angle wire ratio of 3:1 providing good movement and smooth control.

Comes with removable Witness Chamber tips.

You get a pair of L-rods.

L-Rod Dowsing Rod

The L-Rod Dowsing Rod is one of the most familiar dowsing or divining rods known to most people. L-rods come in different sizes and from a variety of materials such as wood, copper or brass.
A quality L-rod has a lead to handle ratio of 3:1. As a result, the L-rod provides good balance and control.

L-Rod Dowsing RodYou may use the L-rod singularly or as a pair, thus expanding dowsing options. Traditionally, L-rods are excellent for discovery and measurement. For example, use this divining rod when looking for water, prospecting for minerals, gold, precious stones and oil.

L-rods are indispensable when searching for emf fields, geopathic stress lines and negative energy radiation Grid lines. (To measure Hartmann Radiation Grid lines and Curry Lines, which are vertical radiation lines, I would recommend using the Cosmos or Swiss dowsing rod.

Geopathic radiation are energy fields that connects through and around the environment we live in. Normally associated with underground water movement such as streams and water veins, disturbances in the Earth due to excavation and other phenomena may result in emanations that are not just linear but also rise vertically. Such negative radiation fields turn the area to which they are associated SOUR leading to the popular term SICK HOMES or CANCER HOUSES.

L-Rods Have Many Uses

Please Note: I sell devices to counteract, neutralize and/or eliminate emf and geopathic influences and zones. See the ADR emf line of products available on this site.

L-rods are excellent for marking out energy lines, their direction, thickness and strengths.

Use the L-Rod Dowsing Rod to search for lost items and measure auras or Bio-fields.

Proper Grip for the L-Rod

The Spanish Resonator L-rod is not overly difficult to master, but requires some practice to obtain consistent readings.

L-Rod Hand GripHolding one or both of the L-rods in your hand(s) with a relaxed grip, making sure not to inhibit the free turning of the rod in the handle, and with both arms extended out front with the arms bent at 90 degrees and with the rods pointing slightly downward and parallel to the ground will give the best results.

L-Rod with Witness Chamber Tips RemovedThe Spanish Resonator L-rod is 36 cm (14.17″) long and is nicely balanced with an angle wire ratio of 3:1 providing good movement and smooth control.

Comes with removable Witness Chamber tips.

36 cm / 100 gm – (14.17″ / 3.53 oz)