ADR Protect EMF Smart Saver Deal.
Buy 5 ADR Protect Personal EMF Protectors and get the 6th FREE!
A great way to PROTECT yourself and your family while saving money!
The ADR Protect EMF Smart Saver Deal saves you money when you need more than one device. Realistically, most of us own several electronic devices or have a family to protect against EMFs. The ADR Protect EMF Smart Saver Deal lets you order 6 ADR Protects, but only pay for 5!
The ADR Protect Personal Protector helps reduce the effects caused by electronic devices on the human body. Simply remove the paper protector on the back of the ADR Protect and stick it on your smartphone, mouse, telephone, monitor, laptop, tablet, Sony Move or any other electronic device.
Normally, one ADR Protect will do the job, but if you’re electronically sensitive, you may require more than one ADR Protect to maximize benefits. For example, if you’re still experiencing “hot ear”, headaches, migraines, irritability or other symptoms during or after using your cell phone, then a second ADR Protect applied to the back may be required. Don’t be afraid to experiment because each person responds differently to EMF exposure, much in the same way two people with the same disease may require different medicinal dosages to effect a result.
EMF radiation from electronic devices varies in strength as well as people’s sensitivity to them. Therefore, it’s okay to use more than one ADR Protect EMF Personal Protector per device. Normally one ADR Protect is enough. However, electronically hypersensitive individuals will add a second disc to decrease symptoms.
For example, many EMF sensitive individuals not only place the ADR Protect on their electronic devices, but also wear one on the back of their watch or on the back of a pendant. Doing so increases the protective benefits of the ADR Protect.
More and more studies suggest that although EMFs are invisible to the eye, their effects on the body are not. Moreover, each year more and more people exhibit signs of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivy. Below are common symptoms that experts link to EMF sensitivity.
Quite often, effects and symptoms from EMF exposure can take months or years to appear. Loss of vitality and health occurs for a variety of reasons, which makes identification of the primary cause difficult. That’s why it’s so easy for medical professionals to write off EMF symptoms as psychological.
For example, depressions is a wide-ranging term and there are many possible causes. Indeed, hormones, alcohol, drugs, aspartame, loss of a job or loved-one can all lead to depression. Therefore, we can’t always say that EMFs are to blame. But I will suggest that exposure to EMFs over time is a contributory factor in many symptoms of modern civilization. If you tried to eliminate symptoms through traditional approaches and they still persist, then electromagnetic sensitivity may be the reason. And we can agree, the cost of the ADR Protects is less than drugs and therapy. Indeed, you don’t need to be sick or electromagnetically sensitive to benefit from the positive effects the ADR Protects provide.
For example, one reason many people have difficulty sleeping is they place their cell phone close to their head. Some people I’ve spoken to place their cell phone under their pillow while sleeping! These people will often have difficulty sleeping and complain of headaches, feeling slow and unrested. Obviously, removing the electronic device, preferably out of the bedroom, makes sense.
I know other people who read in bed. However, instead of reading a book, they read from their tablet or phone. They then complain they have trouble sleeping. I suggest they don’t use electronic devices before retiring, but it’s hard to get people to change their ways. For the most part, we become victims of our own nonsense. That’s why I recommend the ADR products because they help mitigate symptoms even when we can’t or won’t change our habits.
If you’re going to keep an electronic device in your bedroom, then be smart. Use the ADR TEX Mat, the ADR Shield and ensure you’ve got an ADR Protect attached to the phone or tablet. I’m not saying electronic devices are good or bad. They’re here to stay, and it’s unlikely you’re going to stop using them. But protecting yourself is something you can do.
There are two types of EMF radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. Take a look at the following picture and note all the EMF emitting devices surrounding us in our home and environment.
As listed, there are many signs, and symptoms associated with electromagnetic hypersensitivity. If you’re experiencing more than one symptom or a cluster of symptoms effecting your health and vitality and are exposed to EMF zones for any extended periods of time, you’re probably EMF sensitive.
From my experience, once EMF sensitivity begins, it doesn’t go away. Management becomes the key word. The worse it gets, the more drastic the measures taken to maintain health. For some extremely EMF hypersensitive individuals, turning off the Wi-Fi, unplugging major appliances or circuit boards is necessary. Don’t let your sensitivity get that bad. The ADR line of products offers a practical way to help reduce EMF symptoms.
From the picture it’s easy to acknowledge our home and environment are spaces filled with electronic, microwave and EM pollution. Collectively, these radiations are called Electro-smog.
Don’t suffer from the effects of EMF radiation exposure. Protect yourself, your family and pets by using these award-winning EMF protective devices. These discs require no batteries or power sources and will last for years unless damaged.
The ADR Protect EMF Smart Saver Deal allows you to save money. Order 5 ADR Protects Personal Protectors and receive the 6th ADR Protect for FREE! This is a great economical way to cover multiple devices or get family members protected.
Don’t suffer from EMF related issues. Protect yourself and your family by placing the ADR Protect on all electronic devices.
For more information, see the ADR Protect Personal EMF Protector page.
We ship worldwide $15.99 | USA $10.99 | Canada varies by province.
All Prices are in US Dollars
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