Customer Testimonials Page for Adermark
Hi Brian,
Just retrieved my order a few minutes ago! (Adjustable Biotensor dowsing rod and Therapeutic Harmonic Brass Pendulum.) WOW! Thank You – LOVE IT!
Unbelievable – within only a few business days – literally!!
Thank you so much for your amazing service, AMAZING PRODUCTS and
Just to give you a smile, when I got home & checked for tracking – said it arrived!!
So decided to take my bike to mailbox as I have a nice storage seat – well, there was NO WAY that packaging was going to fit in my storage LOL!! Must admit, very well packaged. Still chuckling over that one…
Many blessings to you and yours.
Have a phenomenal week – I will be back again!
King City, ON, Canada
Hi Brian,
My order of the two pendulums, book and pendant arrived today and my wife and I were thrilled, thank you!
“Premium quality, effective and fairly priced” I second that and add very good service and delivery even when I was being a nuisance and wanted to change my order.
Many, many thanks,

Thanks Brian,
“Your service is always excellent.
The Spiral pendulum is my favourite in the entire world, but for some reason, periodically, they choose to leave me for destinations unknown. Do I ever lose any other of my pendulums, no. But hey, I’m sure it will come to me sometime why this happens.”
Take care

Hi Brian,
“Thank you very much for your great customer service and I’m very happy with the Basic Teardrop and Spiral brass pendulums.
I will definitely come back for more merchandise and I will recommend your store to all my friends from the dowsing society.
I was looking for more books on you web page but I was unable to find any. Please send me a link or list of your books.”

“I just wanted to report how very satisfied I am with my spiral brass pendulum!!!
I ordered it this past Thursday and it arrived today on Monday. I have absolutely no experience in dowsing, however after removing it from the packaging I asked it to indicate yes answers as a clock-wise movement and no answers as an anti-clockwise movement and to my surprise it responded flawlessly!!!
I’ve already ask it several questions and it provided answers, some yes answers felt as though the thing was being slightly pulled out of my hand!!! My intentions are to do some intense map dowsing to augment my treasure hunting! Thanks a lot guys for a quality product and expedient service!!!”

SC from North Carolina
Thank you, Brian!
“We received our beautiful pendulums (Searcher Clear View, Doppelmermet and Spiral) on Friday and could not be happier. They are spectacular.”

Hey Brian
“Just wanted to say thanks again for everything. You’re a remarkable man with some really interesting ideas.
Appreciate the swap with ‘Searcher’ too…I know it will suit my friend better.
Have a great summer.”
All the best to you,

Lana 🙂
Thanks Brian,
“I’ve purchased several brass pendulums from you already (Isis, Doppelmermet & Osiris brass pendulums) and have shown them to various mediums and dowsers in the NYC area.
Everybody loves the weight and feel of them. I expect a number of these folks will be contacting you and / or placing orders.
I think you have an excellent product and look forward to receiving my next order.”
Best Wishes,

W. Barclay
Dear Brian,
“I purchased 2 Super Isis pendulums recently and want to get more for my students from time to time. Great price and fast shipment, thank-you.
Also, do you have additional information about how to work with the Osiris pendulum? Other than the little information that is available on the web, other websites? OR, do you REALLY have to be careful of it’s energies? New Age hype or no?” God Bless Your Work
Hello Hunter: Thank-you for your kind words. Regarding the Osiris pendulum: I have looked at other sites and we/they all tend to say the same thing. As a healer I have had my own insights which when I have time I’ll add to my site. Therefore, I will talk rather from myself than what may be just repeated opinion. This is what I know about the Osiris pendulum: What we see in this 3D hologram is but a reaction of something taking place in the unseen. Using a pendulum illustrates this point. We already know the answer, yet create a system to take that unseen information and translate it into a physical experience. All shape, form has an effect on other objects that are within each others influence. Due to the downward concave and repeated discs found on the Osiris pendulum, there will be an amplification, perhaps a stepping up of energy that moves up/down and is focused through the point. This pendulum, I feel would be feminine, negative and as such magnetic rather than electrical, thereby making this a suitable pendulum for healing purposes. Keeping in mind the pendulum is but a tool its shape allows for a specific mental coding that may make the task at hand a success. The cautions that I have read, are similar to what most of the other sites also say: That the Osiris pendulum creates “Negative Green Energy”, and therefore should be taken apart when not in use.
I tried to do a little research on what Negative Green Energy meant and I traced it back to the pyramids and one of the chambers. My feeling on Negative Green Energy is that its influence is the drawing out of Life Force, rather than the putting in. This effect would be to draw out (suction force) from sick and diseased areas, to suck things out; alternatively the amplification of energies drawn downward (pressure forces) to ground will also be amplified which means that the quality of intention and energy are vital. Due to the amplification of energies up or down, results are also influenced by how long the session lasts. In other words, the amount of time the pendulum is used over a client, at least in healing work, is also required to avoid over stimulation or enervation. Continuous use of this pendulum on a healthy area, over time, I believe could be devitalizing. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Brian, “Thanks for you kindness in taking time to explain the Osiris pendulum for me. Have for a long time worked with Him and a select few of his fellow Egyptian Archetypes to solve very dense earth-related issues for self and others. Glad to see you are carrying the aurameter. I have worked with that device for at least 15 years to great success. When I have students/clients sitting before me, I take the aurameter, ask entry and point to their Solar Plexus and communicate directly with their lower self. Works marvelously each and every time. I remain continually amazed at the results and the futures that can be instantly changed as result of a singular session with Mr. Copper Bullet. Also, any information on how you do close bodywork with the Mer-Isis. And I know it’s all ME behind the swinging and the pretty shiny. Maybe can you point me to a reference source so that you don’t have to take up your time explaining this in an email. Again, thank you and Bless YOU and your work.”
Hello Hunter: Thank-you for your kind words. Regarding the Osiris pendulum: I have looked at other sites and we/they all tend to say the same thing. As a healer I have had my own insights which when I have time I’ll add to my site. Therefore, I will talk rather from myself than what may be just repeated opinion. This is what I know about the Osiris pendulum: What we see in this 3D hologram is but a reaction of something taking place in the unseen. Using a pendulum illustrates this point. We already know the answer, yet create a system to take that unseen information and translate it into a physical experience. All shape, form has an effect on other objects that are within each others influence. Due to the downward concave and repeated discs found on the Osiris pendulum, there will be an amplification, perhaps a stepping up of energy that moves up/down and is focused through the point. This pendulum, I feel would be feminine, negative and as such magnetic rather than electrical, thereby making this a suitable pendulum for healing purposes. Keeping in mind the pendulum is but a tool its shape allows for a specific mental coding that may make the task at hand a success. The cautions that I have read, are similar to what most of the other sites also say: That the Osiris pendulum creates “Negative Green Energy”, and therefore should be taken apart when not in use.
I tried to do a little research on what Negative Green Energy meant and I traced it back to the pyramids and one of the chambers. My feeling on Negative Green Energy is that its influence is the drawing out of Life Force, rather than the putting in. This effect would be to draw out (suction force) from sick and diseased areas, to suck things out; alternatively the amplification of energies drawn downward (pressure forces) to ground will also be amplified which means that the quality of intention and energy are vital. Due to the amplification of energies up or down, results are also influenced by how long the session lasts. In other words, the amount of time the pendulum is used over a client, at least in healing work, is also required to avoid over stimulation or enervation. Continuous use of this pendulum on a healthy area, over time, I believe could be devitalizing. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Brian, “Thanks for you kindness in taking time to explain the Osiris pendulum for me. Have for a long time worked with Him and a select few of his fellow Egyptian Archetypes to solve very dense earth-related issues for self and others. Glad to see you are carrying the aurameter. I have worked with that device for at least 15 years to great success. When I have students/clients sitting before me, I take the aurameter, ask entry and point to their Solar Plexus and communicate directly with their lower self. Works marvelously each and every time. I remain continually amazed at the results and the futures that can be instantly changed as result of a singular session with Mr. Copper Bullet. Also, any information on how you do close bodywork with the Mer-Isis. And I know it’s all ME behind the swinging and the pretty shiny. Maybe can you point me to a reference source so that you don’t have to take up your time explaining this in an email. Again, thank you and Bless YOU and your work.”

Hello Brian,
“Thank you for your confirmation! I love your products and the service has always been wonderful!
I have recommended your site to many of my friends.
Have a great weekend!”

Hi Brian,
“I just wanted you to know I received my Nova pendulum Saturday, and I am very pleased and impressed with it.
I have been using pendulums for a while now, and have tried many, many varieties…crystal, carved stone, wood, and some other commercially available metal ones.
Yours is by far the most sensitive, and best constructed tool I have tried.
Thank you very much!”

Bruce A. Hutton, N.D
Hello Brian,
Thank you very much. You have great quality products. I love both my mermet pendulums. Good stuff. Peace.”

Hello Brian,
The Mer-Isis pendulums arrived today. I am so pleased with them, thank you so much.
Can you recommend any sources: i.e. websites or particular books for using the Mer-Isis pendulum for healing, adjusting Chakras and aura work? Can it also be used for healing someone at a distance?
Thanks Brian. Your answers are much appreciated.”
Warmest regards

Hello Brian,
The Mer-Isis pendulums arrived today. I am so pleased with them, thank you so much.
Can you recommend any sources: i.e. websites or particular books for using the Mer-Isis pendulum for healing, adjusting Chakras and aura work? Can it also be used for healing someone at a distance?
Thanks Brian. Your answers are much appreciated.”
Warmest regards
Hello Adel, In my opinion, any pendulum may be used for any dowsing task. However, some pendulums due to their shape and form may give a better facility for a specific task much in the same way an artist may use specific brushes rather than a general brush to complete a painting (task). The Mer-Isis is considered a “healing” pendulum and I would say that a large number of customers who purchases a Mer-Isis will either be healers or interested in healing work. I have done Chakra balancing and I use the Beechwood Conical pendulum for the analysis and then use the Mer-Isis to facilitate the “healing” work. A good book to reference is Barbara Brennen’s book, Hands of Light. I believe she has a new book out now. She is very well known and also teaches her system. When I read her book years ago, I just knew that I could do this, but I did follow her book as a guideline as the information and protocol is quality information. The reason I use the Conical beechwood pendulum is due to its contoured shape and that it is very neutral. This is an important consideration because when you’re in close proximity to another person, along with the pendulum there may be an overlapping of the practitioners and client’s bio-field which may influence the readings of crystal or metallic type pendulums. Therefore, the beechwood is more neutral and will help with giving true readings. As for whether you may use a pendulum to facilitate “distance” healing, this may again be performed with any pendulum or rod. When we look at the hands of a clock, the hands may be made from gold, copper, plastic, paper, etc. However, the hands only POINT to the time. It is the motor behind the clock face that moves the hands. Similarly, you are the motor and the pendulum only points to the answer according to the “system” you have devised to interpret the signals from the invisible to the visible, if that makes sense? As we are all ONE, we are all connected and in Quanta physics we learn that all things are connected by resonance, therefore physical distance is immaterial. If you think of being somewhere, say the Bahamas for example, you are instantly transported there in your mind – and then you are instantly transported back to your current location. Because the mind does not stay there long enough there is no memory of actually having just been transported since your local position is more immediate and that instantaneous jump is not imprinted on the mind for immediate retrieval. So it appears that you may imagined it. In any case, dowsing allows access to a greater bandwidth of information which is more than the five senses. I hope that answers your questions? Cheers, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian, “Many thanks for the info. I already have Barbara’s book and a beechwood pendulum that I purchased about 10 years ago. I understand that the book only shows how to measure Chakras, but does not show how to heal with a pendulum. I thought with the Mer-isis you could actually use the swing to help balance Chakras, as it was advertised as sending double strength healing. I can only find limited descriptions of people using pendulums to heal using the swing. I already know how to measure Chakras through Barbara’s book. But it is the methods of healing I wish to know. I presently use crystals and the swing of the pendulum to draw energy through the Chakras but I have no idea if what I am doing is a correct method. Thanks Brian.” Kindest regards Adel
Hello Adel, As mentioned in my email, I’m not much of a believer in double strength healing pendulums and all that jazz. As I have stated, pendulums are only tools and the ability to dowse, send and receive healing has more to do with the operator than with a piece of stone, brass or crystal. The shape of the Mer-Isis makes it a good transmitter/receiver to facilitate those with healing intent. As for your procedure, I understand your situation. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to do the work necessarily…so I tend to always encourage each dowser to work naturally from the heart as we are all different, even in the manner that we may dowse, but it is the end result that counts! So, to verify as to whether you’re getting results I recommend that you measure the chakras again when you believe you have completed the healing. I work on each Chakra individually. After taking the measurements with the Conical beechwood pendulum and drawing them on a piece of paper, I use the Mer-Isis and spin it in my “no” position which for this particular work, I use as an “extraction” of negative energy, removing the “darkness”, (the idea to return the chakra to its natural vibrant color and spin) and when the pendulum completes its spin then the “extraction” is complete. I then do a cleanse of the pendulum and then switch “programs.” At this point I use the Mer-Isis to spin in my “yes” position and visualize the healing, “light” “love” positive intent to enter into the Chakra and when the pendulum stops spinning the Chakra should be spinning normally. After this is completed I again take a reading of the Chakra with the Conical beechwood pendulum and confirm whether the Chakra is shaped normally and is spinning correctly. After I have completed all the Chakras on the front of the body I begin anew on the back Chakras. If I find that the Chakra has not returned to its normal position, I will then repeat the extraction and insertion process again and then re-measure. There may also be times that you can only “fix” the Chakra to a certain degree and other work may be required on a later visit. Good luck, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian “It seems that I am using almost the same method of Chakra clearing and recording Chakras that you are. Although my yes and no has been programmed vertical and horizontal. I did not know that I should wait until the pendulum completes its spin though. I will do this in future. I am still using clockwise and counter clockwise to remove blocked energy and heal the Chakras. I understand what you mean about the intent of the healer too. I am finding very good results already after just one session with the Mer-Isis in combination with quartz crystals too. I am sensitive to vibrations and this one certainly does achieve a higher vibration. I am very pleased with all the pendulums.” Thanks Brian Kindest regards
Hello Adel, In my opinion, any pendulum may be used for any dowsing task. However, some pendulums due to their shape and form may give a better facility for a specific task much in the same way an artist may use specific brushes rather than a general brush to complete a painting (task). The Mer-Isis is considered a “healing” pendulum and I would say that a large number of customers who purchases a Mer-Isis will either be healers or interested in healing work. I have done Chakra balancing and I use the Beechwood Conical pendulum for the analysis and then use the Mer-Isis to facilitate the “healing” work. A good book to reference is Barbara Brennen’s book, Hands of Light. I believe she has a new book out now. She is very well known and also teaches her system. When I read her book years ago, I just knew that I could do this, but I did follow her book as a guideline as the information and protocol is quality information. The reason I use the Conical beechwood pendulum is due to its contoured shape and that it is very neutral. This is an important consideration because when you’re in close proximity to another person, along with the pendulum there may be an overlapping of the practitioners and client’s bio-field which may influence the readings of crystal or metallic type pendulums. Therefore, the beechwood is more neutral and will help with giving true readings. As for whether you may use a pendulum to facilitate “distance” healing, this may again be performed with any pendulum or rod. When we look at the hands of a clock, the hands may be made from gold, copper, plastic, paper, etc. However, the hands only POINT to the time. It is the motor behind the clock face that moves the hands. Similarly, you are the motor and the pendulum only points to the answer according to the “system” you have devised to interpret the signals from the invisible to the visible, if that makes sense? As we are all ONE, we are all connected and in Quanta physics we learn that all things are connected by resonance, therefore physical distance is immaterial. If you think of being somewhere, say the Bahamas for example, you are instantly transported there in your mind – and then you are instantly transported back to your current location. Because the mind does not stay there long enough there is no memory of actually having just been transported since your local position is more immediate and that instantaneous jump is not imprinted on the mind for immediate retrieval. So it appears that you may imagined it. In any case, dowsing allows access to a greater bandwidth of information which is more than the five senses. I hope that answers your questions? Cheers, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian, “Many thanks for the info. I already have Barbara’s book and a beechwood pendulum that I purchased about 10 years ago. I understand that the book only shows how to measure Chakras, but does not show how to heal with a pendulum. I thought with the Mer-isis you could actually use the swing to help balance Chakras, as it was advertised as sending double strength healing. I can only find limited descriptions of people using pendulums to heal using the swing. I already know how to measure Chakras through Barbara’s book. But it is the methods of healing I wish to know. I presently use crystals and the swing of the pendulum to draw energy through the Chakras but I have no idea if what I am doing is a correct method. Thanks Brian.” Kindest regards Adel
Hello Adel, As mentioned in my email, I’m not much of a believer in double strength healing pendulums and all that jazz. As I have stated, pendulums are only tools and the ability to dowse, send and receive healing has more to do with the operator than with a piece of stone, brass or crystal. The shape of the Mer-Isis makes it a good transmitter/receiver to facilitate those with healing intent. As for your procedure, I understand your situation. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to do the work necessarily…so I tend to always encourage each dowser to work naturally from the heart as we are all different, even in the manner that we may dowse, but it is the end result that counts! So, to verify as to whether you’re getting results I recommend that you measure the chakras again when you believe you have completed the healing. I work on each Chakra individually. After taking the measurements with the Conical beechwood pendulum and drawing them on a piece of paper, I use the Mer-Isis and spin it in my “no” position which for this particular work, I use as an “extraction” of negative energy, removing the “darkness”, (the idea to return the chakra to its natural vibrant color and spin) and when the pendulum completes its spin then the “extraction” is complete. I then do a cleanse of the pendulum and then switch “programs.” At this point I use the Mer-Isis to spin in my “yes” position and visualize the healing, “light” “love” positive intent to enter into the Chakra and when the pendulum stops spinning the Chakra should be spinning normally. After this is completed I again take a reading of the Chakra with the Conical beechwood pendulum and confirm whether the Chakra is shaped normally and is spinning correctly. After I have completed all the Chakras on the front of the body I begin anew on the back Chakras. If I find that the Chakra has not returned to its normal position, I will then repeat the extraction and insertion process again and then re-measure. There may also be times that you can only “fix” the Chakra to a certain degree and other work may be required on a later visit. Good luck, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian “It seems that I am using almost the same method of Chakra clearing and recording Chakras that you are. Although my yes and no has been programmed vertical and horizontal. I did not know that I should wait until the pendulum completes its spin though. I will do this in future. I am still using clockwise and counter clockwise to remove blocked energy and heal the Chakras. I understand what you mean about the intent of the healer too. I am finding very good results already after just one session with the Mer-Isis in combination with quartz crystals too. I am sensitive to vibrations and this one certainly does achieve a higher vibration. I am very pleased with all the pendulums.” Thanks Brian Kindest regards

Hello Brian,
“I have been meaning to thank you for the shipment, for the Holiday well wishes and for the free book enclosed.
I Love the Mer-Isis! Feels like an old friend :).
Best wishes for a wonderful new year.”

Hello Brian,
“Just received the Mer-Isis pendulum, beautiful addition and plan to order more soon.
Thank you for the good business!”

Jeff Armstrong, Colorado
Dear Brian,
“I am interested in buying a pendulum for the purpose of clearing entity attachments / interferences from one’s aura.
Based on various peoples’ sayings I have decided on the large ‘Mer-Isis’, but I would also appreciate your input on the most appropriate one for this purpose.”
Kind Regards,
Hello Giorgos, In truth any pendulum may used for clearing…. Remember, the pendulum does not get rid of the entity. The pendulum is used as a tool…as a method of communication between yourself and the object of your inquiry. The entity may be hanging around for a variety of reasons and once you discover the cause you offer to assist the entity in returning back to Source. This is done through your facilitation on behalf of the entity and usually a prayer, ceremony or ritual may be employed to facilitate this clearing. The Mer-Isis is a good healing pendulum and may be used for this purpose, although if you feel attracted to another pendulum you will find that it should work as effectively.” Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Dear Brian, “I have followed your advice about any pendulum being capable to carry out this work and I am now using a simple crystal pendulum. This process is in fact turning out very differently to what I had expected. At the beginning I had quite an aggressive attitude towards the entity(s). Now I am trying to look deeper into this and the feelings that come up are surprising. Despite the series of troubles they have caused me, now I could almost say that I feel compassion. I will go as far as I can on my own and if things prove to be too hard, then I will seek more experienced help.” Thanks again,
Hello Giorgos, In truth any pendulum may used for clearing…. Remember, the pendulum does not get rid of the entity. The pendulum is used as a tool…as a method of communication between yourself and the object of your inquiry. The entity may be hanging around for a variety of reasons and once you discover the cause you offer to assist the entity in returning back to Source. This is done through your facilitation on behalf of the entity and usually a prayer, ceremony or ritual may be employed to facilitate this clearing. The Mer-Isis is a good healing pendulum and may be used for this purpose, although if you feel attracted to another pendulum you will find that it should work as effectively.” Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Dear Brian, “I have followed your advice about any pendulum being capable to carry out this work and I am now using a simple crystal pendulum. This process is in fact turning out very differently to what I had expected. At the beginning I had quite an aggressive attitude towards the entity(s). Now I am trying to look deeper into this and the feelings that come up are surprising. Despite the series of troubles they have caused me, now I could almost say that I feel compassion. I will go as far as I can on my own and if things prove to be too hard, then I will seek more experienced help.” Thanks again,

Hi Brian,
“I received my order yesterday.
I am very happy with the quality of the Super Isis and Mer-Isis brass pendulums, especially with the small book that you gave which is very helpful.
Brian, would you please give me guidance how to use the Mer-Isis pendulum for balancing the chakras and healing?
Thanks a lot for your good service.
Wish you more success.”
Hello Michael, Thank-you for your comments. I agree that the quality and workmanship of the Super Isis and Mer-Isis brass pendulums is fine and it’s nice to use a tool that has been thoughtfully designed. In regards to using the Mer-Isis for chakra healing I will give some general comments: Firstly, I don’t believe there is necessarily a right and wrong way in regards to creating a system to use the pendulum for healing purposes. Let your imagination and intuition guide you. Even if you’re not sure whether the system or process you are employing is valid you can also use the pendulum to query as to whether you’re on the right path. Keep in mind the pendulum is not doing the healing — you are. The pendulum is only a tool. When I have done chakra work using the Conical Beechwood and Mer-Isis pendulum, this is a general procedure on how I do it. My way is not the only way and I am sure over time I will develop new techniques as my system develops. Also, there are as many different ways as is there are many different people. A good reference on chakra healing is Barbara Brennen’s book “Hands of Light.” I usually use the Conical Beechwood pendulum for close assessment to take my readings of the chakras on the front and the back of the client. I have the client lay on his/her back and then place the pendulum close to the body and over the chakra. I then check to see which way the chakra is spinning (clockwise/counterclockwise, erratic, back and forth, etc.), and then over a template I have drawn of the human body, I mark down spin direction, shape of spin (whether circular, oblong, etc.), spin orientation in that the pendulum may indicate a specific push in a specific direction, ie., pulls to the upper left quadrant or pulls to the lower right quadrant (male/female imbalance so to speak) and any other anomalies that may arise. Once the front is done, the client turns over and I measure all the back chakras. This indicates the relationship between the “will” and the “emotions”. Once this is all done and I have assessed which chakras are normal and out of balance, I get out the Mer-Isis and begin the process of balancing all the chakras. The system that I use is to then put the Mer-Isis over the chakra and do an extraction of negative energy (so to speak) by using intent and letting the pendulum spin in a counterclockwise direction; and when I feel that I have extracted as much negative “stuff” out of the chakra as possible, I clear the pendulum (by using my hand and {imagine} pulling off threads of negative energy) and then replace the pendulum over the chakra and with intent imagine the purest stream of the appropriate chakra color and insert the color into the chakra while spinning the chakra in the clockwise direction. For me when the pendulum eventually stops spinning the chakra should be harmonized. I then re-use the Conical beechwood pendulum and verify whether I have been successful. If there is still some anomaly I will then redo the chakra. The reason I am using the Conical Beechwood pendulum is that the Conical beechwood pendulum’s energetic signature is stable with consistent and clear movement and wood is more neutral than the brass for this type of work. When you’re working in close on a client, the pendulum may only be several inches above the client and over the chakra vortex. Your aura will also be very close and you don’t want to get false readings because of the influence of your energy field close to the subject and don’t want to project yourself into the client’s field. Also, when using the Mer-Isis hold on to the string tightly as I have found that a lack of concentration or focus, or falling into a more meditative state may cause the pendulum to fly out of your hands or drop on to the client. The large Mer-Isis is a little heavy and it will be an unwelcome surprise for the client should it fall from your hands onto the client. I hope you find the above to be of some value. Remember, people heal each other; not the pendulum. In this case, the pendulum makes a good focii for our intent and purpose. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian, “Good morning, thanks a lot for your advice, I will read the book ‘Hands of light’ that you recommend. You are right Brian, everybody has their own different system, and it will get better and better through time and training. As you know I live in Indonesia, there is no dowsing society here (If there is any, they will not do it openly In public) and I like to learn from the expert. Because you had experience as a healer for 25 years (Ouch…it is a very long time) that’s why I ask for your advice. And your advice is really valuable for me. I really like the MER-ISIS pendulum, lets say I got love at first sight and it can relieve pain fast.
Maybe after reading HANDS OF LIGHT I also need the wood pendulum – who knows..? (Of course I will come back to you). I am very glad to know you…I hope you don’t mind If I drop you an email someday in the future If I have further questions. Have a nice Sunday…” Namaste,
Hello Michael, Thank-you for your comments. I agree that the quality and workmanship of the Super Isis and Mer-Isis brass pendulums is fine and it’s nice to use a tool that has been thoughtfully designed. In regards to using the Mer-Isis for chakra healing I will give some general comments: Firstly, I don’t believe there is necessarily a right and wrong way in regards to creating a system to use the pendulum for healing purposes. Let your imagination and intuition guide you. Even if you’re not sure whether the system or process you are employing is valid you can also use the pendulum to query as to whether you’re on the right path. Keep in mind the pendulum is not doing the healing — you are. The pendulum is only a tool. When I have done chakra work using the Conical Beechwood and Mer-Isis pendulum, this is a general procedure on how I do it. My way is not the only way and I am sure over time I will develop new techniques as my system develops. Also, there are as many different ways as is there are many different people. A good reference on chakra healing is Barbara Brennen’s book “Hands of Light.” I usually use the Conical Beechwood pendulum for close assessment to take my readings of the chakras on the front and the back of the client. I have the client lay on his/her back and then place the pendulum close to the body and over the chakra. I then check to see which way the chakra is spinning (clockwise/counterclockwise, erratic, back and forth, etc.), and then over a template I have drawn of the human body, I mark down spin direction, shape of spin (whether circular, oblong, etc.), spin orientation in that the pendulum may indicate a specific push in a specific direction, ie., pulls to the upper left quadrant or pulls to the lower right quadrant (male/female imbalance so to speak) and any other anomalies that may arise. Once the front is done, the client turns over and I measure all the back chakras. This indicates the relationship between the “will” and the “emotions”. Once this is all done and I have assessed which chakras are normal and out of balance, I get out the Mer-Isis and begin the process of balancing all the chakras. The system that I use is to then put the Mer-Isis over the chakra and do an extraction of negative energy (so to speak) by using intent and letting the pendulum spin in a counterclockwise direction; and when I feel that I have extracted as much negative “stuff” out of the chakra as possible, I clear the pendulum (by using my hand and {imagine} pulling off threads of negative energy) and then replace the pendulum over the chakra and with intent imagine the purest stream of the appropriate chakra color and insert the color into the chakra while spinning the chakra in the clockwise direction. For me when the pendulum eventually stops spinning the chakra should be harmonized. I then re-use the Conical beechwood pendulum and verify whether I have been successful. If there is still some anomaly I will then redo the chakra. The reason I am using the Conical Beechwood pendulum is that the Conical beechwood pendulum’s energetic signature is stable with consistent and clear movement and wood is more neutral than the brass for this type of work. When you’re working in close on a client, the pendulum may only be several inches above the client and over the chakra vortex. Your aura will also be very close and you don’t want to get false readings because of the influence of your energy field close to the subject and don’t want to project yourself into the client’s field. Also, when using the Mer-Isis hold on to the string tightly as I have found that a lack of concentration or focus, or falling into a more meditative state may cause the pendulum to fly out of your hands or drop on to the client. The large Mer-Isis is a little heavy and it will be an unwelcome surprise for the client should it fall from your hands onto the client. I hope you find the above to be of some value. Remember, people heal each other; not the pendulum. In this case, the pendulum makes a good focii for our intent and purpose. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Hello Brian, “Good morning, thanks a lot for your advice, I will read the book ‘Hands of light’ that you recommend. You are right Brian, everybody has their own different system, and it will get better and better through time and training. As you know I live in Indonesia, there is no dowsing society here (If there is any, they will not do it openly In public) and I like to learn from the expert. Because you had experience as a healer for 25 years (Ouch…it is a very long time) that’s why I ask for your advice. And your advice is really valuable for me. I really like the MER-ISIS pendulum, lets say I got love at first sight and it can relieve pain fast.
Maybe after reading HANDS OF LIGHT I also need the wood pendulum – who knows..? (Of course I will come back to you). I am very glad to know you…I hope you don’t mind If I drop you an email someday in the future If I have further questions. Have a nice Sunday…” Namaste,

Hi Brian,
“I have received my order and I’m very happy about it. Everything arrived safe and sound. (I worried how The L-rod would survive the shipping.)
The Super Isis, Karnak and Conical Beechwood pendulums are really nice, (the real ones are much better than those from the website pictures).
And the book!!! That was a surprise! I had no idea I was going to get one. I found it very useful.
You really care about your customers, it was very nice of you to call! Thanks a lot!”
Many thanks,
All the best,

Hi Brian.
“Yay, my payment just went through for the Karnak.
Once again, thank you for the excellent service.
The dowsing booklet is quite nice and my husband is happy to have the Karnak brass pendulum.
It’s been a pleasure doing business with you. I’ve recommended your site to some of my friends.”

Hello Brian,
Just to let you know that I’m buying the Super Isis brass pendulum as a result of a recommendation by Toni Winninger after attending a workshop given by her in London yesterday.
She sings the praises publicly of both you products, prices & prompt service.”
Best Wishes,

Chris Baker
Dear Brian,
“I purchased 2 Super Isis pendulums recently and want to get more for my students from time to time. Great price and fast shipment, thank-you.
Also, do you have additional information about how to work with the Osiris pendulum? Other than the little information that is available on the web, other websites? OR, do you REALLY have to be careful of it’s energies? New Age hype or no?” God Bless Your Work

Hello Brian.
“This to confirm that I have well received the 2 pendulums according to my order. They are great : beautiful shape, heavy brass, and perfectly manufactured material.
Thanks for your prompt delivery and for the good quality of the objects!”
Best regards

Thanks Brian,
“I’ve purchased several brass pendulums from you already (Isis, Doppelmermet & Osiris brass pendulums) and have shown them to various mediums and dowsers in the NYC area.
Everybody loves the weight and feel of them. I expect a number of these folks will be contacting you and / or placing orders.
I think you have an excellent product and look forward to receiving my next order.”
Best Wishes,

W. Barclay
Hi Brian,
“I received my Doppelmermet brass pendulum from you today, they are wonderful! Also, thank you for the added goodies, I appreciate them as well.
Have a great rest of the week!”

Thank you, Brian!
“We received our beautiful pendulums (Searcher Clear View, Doppelmermet and Spiral) on Friday and could not be happier. They are spectacular.”

Hi Brian,
“Thank you very much for the great pendulums including the book although the order does not exactly total to $60.
I will make sure to recommend your business to friends.”
Thanks again,

Hi Brian
“The Basic Triangle pendulum arrived good as gold today, thanks for the free book as well.”
Kind regards,

Dear Brian,
Thanks for mailing the Teardrop pendulum to me it is really nice and easy to use.”

Hi Brian,
“Thank you very much for your great customer service and I’m very happy with the Basic Teardrop and Spiral brass pendulums.
I will definitely come back for more merchandise and I will recommend your store to all my friends from the dowsing society.
I was looking for more books on you web page but I was unable to find any. Please send me a link or list of your books.”

Hi Brian,
“I have received my order and I’m very happy about it. Everything arrived safe and sound. (I worried how The L-rod would survive the shipping.)
The Super Isis, Karnak and Conical Beechwood pendulums are really nice, (the real ones are much better than those from the website pictures).
And the book!!! That was a surprise! I had no idea I was going to get one. I found it very useful.
You really care about your customers, it was very nice of you to call!
Thanks a lot!”
Many thanks,
All the best,

Hello Brian!
“I received my order yesterday (Spanish Resonator L-Rod, in good order.
What great service you give to your customers.”
Thanking you,

Phyllis Erickson
Wooww!! thanks Brian,
“Thanks a lot for taking all that trouble to send me the package!! i really appreciate it!….
Everybody talks so good about the Canadians, I see it is true, you are a great human being. I really felt your kindness and care!!
Thanks! i shall let you know when the L-rods arrive!”

Hi Brian,
“Just to say thank you so much for sending the L-rods and book which arrived safely this morning. Great service and I really appreciate it!”
Kind regards,

“Thank you for your help here. I do want the L-Rod – I used ‘similar’ once a few years ago and found them very comfortable to be with.
So if you could send the L-Rod please.
Thank you for your time and help with this. I am very excited to receive them.
Good luck with all you do – I’d just like to say it’s been a pleasure to find your site and already I know there’s good energy attached to the rods.”
Thank you,

Dear Brian,
“Very many thanks for your mail of 25 June. I intentionally delayed replying to it because I wanted to get some news from my wife about the L-Rod before I write again.
I am delighted to inform you that I spoke to my wife a few minutes ago and she has confirmed that the Rod arrived at the address we gave; she has just collected it from there and that it is in good order. Thank God.
She tells me that you have done an excellent packing job and there was no way the L-Rod could have damaged. I am sure you will be as relieved as I am that we were finally able to bring a happy conclusion to this long saga.
What an experience it has been for both of us, and my wife. I have no words to thank you for keeping at it, without getting concerned about the barriers we came across.
I have no doubt whatsoever that your positive attitude and your way of taking on challenges will definitely see you in greater heights in business in a few years. More over, I feel all those mails coming from you repeatedly had a human touch. Keep it up.
I am glad that, although we have had a rather tough experience over the L-Rod, we have come to know each other. If there is anything you would want me to do in India and in particular in Kerala, do not hesitate to ask me. Similarly, I would of course call on you if I need anything in Canada – don’t worry, I have no plans to migrate to Canada!
If you have a catalogue of other dowsing products, do send that to my wife at the last address used, please. We may well decide to buy other products at a later stage. I don’t mind receiving the book you were referring to about how to use the Rod too. I would of course bear the cost of it.”
Thank you once again, and with my best wishes,

Hello Brian,
“Just received your parcel 5 minutes ago!
The Bobber Pro is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Super fast service from you & Canada Post!
Thank you for the Book too.”
Kind regards,

Christian Toulis, Australia
Dear Brian,
“I just received the pendulum, love it!
Thank you!”

Hi Brian,
“Just wanted to say thank you.
I received the order on Wed, and was quite pleased with everything.
Will be placing another order here soon.
Thanks a lot for the prompt response and delivery.”

“Thank you for the attention to my order and for the wonderful Conical pendulum…it is a beautiful tool and helps me greatly in my work as a Reiki Master and Healing Touch practitioner.
I will gladly recommend you to others.”

Hi Brian,
Just wanted to say thank you. I received the order on Wed, and was quite pleased with everything. Will be placing another order here soon.
Thanks a lot for the prompt response and delivery.

Hi Brian,
“Thanks for your perfect service!! and perfect transaction: Perfect item, perfect shipping and wrapping and fast shipping.
Very good price on the Aurameter and Classic V rod!
Thank you for the book it is very interesting.”

Martin Calestagne
“Received as promised (delivered on Monday and received on Thursday). Great products!
The Aurameter was quite a bargain but great quality.”

“I know that the Aura Meter you are selling is like the origional Cameron Aura Meter, which by all accounts is very sensitive. How does your variation compare? Apart from being considerably cheaper, is it a variation, or is it something new? and if so who created it?”
Hello Davy: The Aurameter that I sell is based on Verne L. Cameron’s work. It has a durable plastic handle, steel wire spring with a brass point. I have sold hundreds of Aurameters with no complaints. As for being less expensive, I have seen many similar or even the same dowsing tools sold over the internet for a lot more money. I sell quality dowsing tools at reasonable prices and don’t over-inflate my prices. As a final thought, from my perspective, the hands of a clock may be made from silver or plastic. But it is the mechanism that keeps the time and the dials on the clock only indicate it. Dowsing is a personal business and we may feel attracted to a particular pendulum or rod, but truthfully the skill lies in the dowser, not in the tool. I would venture to say that the Aurameter that I sell will work as well as any other. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Greetings Brian. “And it is with much happiness that I pen this reply 🙂 Your answer is more than I had hoped for. Too often, all companies want to do is sell their product with no thought of honesty involved in the process, and will tell you anything to make a sale. I had already decided that I wanted one of your Aurameters but was curious as to the force behind the product. I am a dower/healer and Hypnotist, this type of dowsing tool will be more suited to me, when I have a client under hypnosis and moving about a client’s body the pendulum is effective but for me never felt quite right. When I discovered your site and laid eyes on your Aurameter I knew without doubt that this is what I had been looking for, strangely enough I had not been aware I wanted something better/different to work with. It was like receiving the answer before you knew the question. I really really like your analogy about the hands of the clock and the face , how very apt, I am aware exactly of what your saying. I too fell into these types of traps in my younger years. I hope you do not mind but I will be using your analogy in the future as its the best one I have heard in many a long year. You will be receiving an order this week. So from Cardenden in Fife, Scotland, a big THANK-YOU. I will not wish you luck for the future as you will not need it.” Kindest Regards Brian, Davy
Hello Davy: The Aurameter that I sell is based on Verne L. Cameron’s work. It has a durable plastic handle, steel wire spring with a brass point. I have sold hundreds of Aurameters with no complaints. As for being less expensive, I have seen many similar or even the same dowsing tools sold over the internet for a lot more money. I sell quality dowsing tools at reasonable prices and don’t over-inflate my prices. As a final thought, from my perspective, the hands of a clock may be made from silver or plastic. But it is the mechanism that keeps the time and the dials on the clock only indicate it. Dowsing is a personal business and we may feel attracted to a particular pendulum or rod, but truthfully the skill lies in the dowser, not in the tool. I would venture to say that the Aurameter that I sell will work as well as any other. Kind regards, Brian Asttaria
Greetings Brian. “And it is with much happiness that I pen this reply 🙂 Your answer is more than I had hoped for. Too often, all companies want to do is sell their product with no thought of honesty involved in the process, and will tell you anything to make a sale. I had already decided that I wanted one of your Aurameters but was curious as to the force behind the product. I am a dower/healer and Hypnotist, this type of dowsing tool will be more suited to me, when I have a client under hypnosis and moving about a client’s body the pendulum is effective but for me never felt quite right. When I discovered your site and laid eyes on your Aurameter I knew without doubt that this is what I had been looking for, strangely enough I had not been aware I wanted something better/different to work with. It was like receiving the answer before you knew the question. I really really like your analogy about the hands of the clock and the face , how very apt, I am aware exactly of what your saying. I too fell into these types of traps in my younger years. I hope you do not mind but I will be using your analogy in the future as its the best one I have heard in many a long year. You will be receiving an order this week. So from Cardenden in Fife, Scotland, a big THANK-YOU. I will not wish you luck for the future as you will not need it.” Kindest Regards Brian, Davy

Hi Brian,
“Hope you are fine.
I received the Bobber dowsing tool in perfect condition this morning by post. Thank for packing it very well with bubble wrapping and paper stuffing to avoid bending.
Thanks a ton!”
Best regards,

Daisy, Dubai
Hi Brian,
“I am not sure how many months ago that my friend picked up the Rose Maroc that you ordered for me. But I do appreciate it very much.
Though I have a lot more than that to thank you for. I was in Vancouver for 6 months or so, recovering from my illness in India. Since than, I have been just over a year at a TM meditation retreat center in the Blue Ridge mountains in North Carolina.
Probably you remember teaching me how to use the pendulum?
I am not sure if I told you this, but the pendulum was a huge step not only to my recovery but in my whole growth in self-awareness.
The key to my recovery was becoming more sensitive to what my body needed, in terms of different supplements, changing dosages, foods, etc. I used the pendulum for all that.
A wonderful side-effect of the practice is that I have become more aware of my body and the flow of energy within.
It has been wonderful, including the growth of my meditation experience. Also, I do not actually even need the pendulum. The pendulum seems more like an amplifier, and now I can feel the energy more directly.
It is so wonderful, and I wanted to thank you for putting me in this direction.
Best wishes to both you and your wife who helped me in this.
I hope all is well with your business. You help so many people, and I am sure it is much appreciated by them as I do.
I have been thinking of thanking you for some time, but I spend very little time writing or communicating, as our meditation program is more inward. So it has taken me a long time to express my deep thanks.
It is wonderful here in every way. All organic food, up in the mountains away from the city. So beautiful and peaceful. Pure bliss. Exactly what feels right for me now.”
Love and thanks,

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